University of Michigan New York University

Survey 1 - Wealth and Portfolios

Survey 1 is focused on the wealth and portfolios, covering :

  • Demographics and employment
  • Income, social security, pensions and disability benefits
  • Housing assets
  • Financial assets

Survey Instruments

Research papers and documentation

Ameriks, John, Andrew Caplin, M Lee, Matthew D. Shapiro, and Christopher Tonetti. 2015. Revised 2023. "The Wealth of Wealthholders." (Vanguard Research Initiative Working Paper).


  1. VRI Sample Design. Explanations of the sampling strategy used for the VRI. (The bold should be the hyperlink to the "Appendix A" file attached)
  2. Account Sequence Example. A sequence of screen shots from the wealth section of the survey using a hypothetical respondent.
  3. Definition of Concepts. Definition of concepts used for the VRI and how we measure them for the HRS and SCF for the comparisons between surveys.
  4. Detailed Comparisons: VRI, HRS and SCF. Comparison of the surveys along various dimensions, including wealth, income and demographics.
  5. Estimating Retirement/Wealth Relationship. Details about estimating the relationship between expected retirement time and annuitizable financial wealth.

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