Survey 1 - Wealth and Portfolios
Survey 1 is focused on the wealth and portfolios, covering :
- Demographics and employment
- Income, social security, pensions and disability benefits
- Housing assets
- Financial assets
Survey Instruments
Research papers and documentation
Ameriks, John, Andrew Caplin, M Lee, Matthew D. Shapiro, and Christopher Tonetti. 2015. Revised 2023. "The Wealth of Wealthholders." (Vanguard Research Initiative Working Paper).
- VRI Sample Design. Explanations of the sampling strategy used for the VRI. (The bold should be the hyperlink to the "Appendix A" file attached)
- Account Sequence Example. A sequence of screen shots from the wealth section of the survey using a hypothetical respondent.
- Definition of Concepts. Definition of concepts used for the VRI and how we measure them for the HRS and SCF for the comparisons between surveys.
- Detailed Comparisons: VRI, HRS and SCF. Comparison of the surveys along various dimensions, including wealth, income and demographics.
- Estimating Retirement/Wealth Relationship. Details about estimating the relationship between expected retirement time and annuitizable financial wealth.